Sarroch (Italy) and Gagra towns sign friendship and cooperation protocol

Today in the town of Sarroch (Italy) was signed a protocol of friendship and cooperation between the towns of Gagra and Sarroch. The signers were the Mayor of Sarroch Salvatore Matthana and the Head of the Administration of the town of Gagra Grigory Enik. The ceremony participants noted the importance of the document in the context of friendly relations which unite the peoples of Italy and Abkhazia, and expressed willingness to use all available means to achieve the objectives of this protocol.
By the end of the signing ceremony was stately opened the exhibition of the Abkhazian photographer Tengiz Tarba. The red ribbon was cut by mayors and the International Representative of the Union for Human Resources, Princess Maria Teresa Obinna de Bourbon
The ceremony received wide publicity in the local media.