Statement by The Caucasian-Abkhazian Solidarity Committee

Over recent days in connection with the events in Abkhazia the interest of international news agencies in developments has increased.
In such situations, there is a special need to pass objective and the most comprehensive information possible to the mass-media.
To our deep regret, the news about the division in the positions between the leader of the Republic of Abkhazia and the opposition is being treated by the foreign press in an unseemly light.
The Abkhazian opposition should respect the voice and decision of the people. The President occupies this position today because he was elected by the people. As in every democratic country, so in Abkhazia, the president of the country assumes office through an election. Never in the history of Abkhazia has a president come into power through force.
Our Abkhazian press is appealing to the public and representatives of news-agencies over the fact that all their work is under the control of the opposition, and, as a consequence of this, various foreign news-agencies are unable to obtain reliable information about the ongoing internal political processes. Therefore, the democratic processes in Abkhazia are being associated by foreign news-agencies with anti-democratic processes in other countries.
This should not be allowed under any circumstances.
Chairman of the Caucasian-Abkhazian
Solidarity Committee
Erdeshan Kobashi Bganba