List of articles in category Analysis
Karabakh: a reasonable compromise, by Stephen D. Shenfield
Victims of Geopolitics: Young Generations in Abkhazia Struggle with Lack of Travel and Education Opportunities Abroad
Some lessons to be learnt from the Karabakh war, by Dieter Boden
Learning from the past: What Europe should learn from the mistakes made in Artsakh, by Sascha Düerkop
Nagorno Karabakh; Frozen Conflicts and The Generational Trap, by Christopher Langton
Armenians and their Dialects in Abkhazia, by Viacheslav Chirikba
A Commentary by Dieter Boden
Incompatibility of Cultures, by Victor Shnirelman
Alternative Prehistory, by Victor A. Shnirelman
Caucuses in the Caucasus: The Application of the Right of Self-Determination, by Robert McCorquodale and Kristin Hausler
The Abkhazians: A national minority in their own homeland, by Edward Mihalkanin
Three types of forgetting: on contested states in Europe, by Bruno Coppieters
The pawn of great powers: The East–West competition for Caucasia, by Ronald Grigor Suny
Yet a third consideration of Völker, Sprachen und Kulturen des südlichen Kaukasus, by George Hewitt
Demographic Manipulation in the Caucasus (with Special Reference to Georgia), by George Hewitt
The ‘Mingrelian Question’: Institutional Resources and the Limits of Soviet Nationality Policy, by Timothy K. Blauvelt
Language Education and Ethnic Resentment in Soviet Abkhazia, 1939–53 by Timothy K. Blauvelt
Four Positions on the Recognition of States in and after the Soviet Union, with Special Reference to Abkhazia, by Bruno Coppieters
From the Idea of Caucasian Unity to Regional Fragmentation: The North Caucasus, 1990–1999, by Cem Oğuz
Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus, by Philip Kohl and Gocha Tsetskhladze
Abkhazia's recent election: a considered view from an experienced outsider, by Dieter Boden
The Rise and Fall and Revival of the Ibero-Caucasian Hypothesis, by Kevin Tuite
The right of peoples to self-determination in the post soviet area: the case of Abkhazia, by Yugina Mishota
"The contradictions of the political game." Who will become the new president of Abkhazia, by Sergey Markedonov
Time To Turn Crisis Into Stability? By Dieter Boden
Abkhazia’s Divisive De Facto President Steps Down, by Liz Fuller
Reflections on the history of Georgian and Abkhaz identity, by Stephen Shenfield
History on fire: how to restore the state-archive of Abkhazia
Estonians in Abkhazia by Aivar Jürgenson
Abkhazian History in a Nutshell, by Ky Krauthamer
Autonomous Republic: what was the political background of Putin's visit to Abkhazia, by Sergey Markedonov
New Abkhaz Prime Minister Faces Uphill Struggle To End Economic Stagnation, by Liz Fuller
Abkhazia and the west: Rehabilitating engagement without recognition by Thomas Frear
Abkhazia in 2014: Back to the Future? By Liz Fuller
A Russophobic Rant From Congress by Patrick J. Buchanan
Moscow’s draft of a treaty has not been accepted by Sukhum, by Arda Inal-ipa
Aslan Basariya: I have the feeling that the people who worked on this treaty had no understanding whatsoever of the specifics of the situation in Abkhazia
What happened in Abkhazia, by Liana Kvarchelia
From Sufism to Universal Vision: Murat Yagan and the Teaching of Kebzeh, by Chen Bram and Meir Hatina
A new era in Turkey-Abkhazia relations, by Hasan Kanbolat
Abkhazia Heads Into A Turbulent Summer, by Liz Fuller
Sediment remains... By Liana Kvarchelia
De Facto Abkhaz President Says He Will Not Resign, by Liz Fuller
Some thoughts on the crisis in Abkhazia, by Oliver Urs Lenz
The foreign policy options of a small unrecognised state: the case of Abkhazia, by Thomas Frear
Georgian Repentance: Richard Norland’s Version, by Sergey Markedonov
Can Turkey De-Isolate Abkhazia? By Eric R. Eissler
Sochi Olympics 2014: What will it mean for peace and conflict in the Caucasus?
On Richard Norland's statement‏
Abkhazia in Our Hearts! By Amjad Jaimoukha



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