List of articles in category Current Affairs
Attempt on Abkhazia Vice President Ankvab staged
Prisoner Release in a Bid From Sukhum For Peace
Abkhazian Foreign Minister Maxim Gvindzhia Calls Unjust and Biased The UN General Assembly Resolution on the Conflict in Georgia
Abkhazia may accept the deployment of UN observers on its territory
“Mothers of Abkhazia for peace and social justice” Movement Supports Resumption of Missing Persons Commission's Work
Presentation of the Ekaterine Bebia's Books "Our general SULTAN SOSNALIEV" and "Select Ones''
Abkhazians Have Their Rights, Too [Letters to the Editor - WSJ], by George Hewitt
Abkhazia marks Fatherland Defenders Memory Day
The Journal of Naturalist
Russia hopes more states will recognize Abkhazia, S Ossetia - Karasin
Abkhazia protests over seizure of Ukrainian dry cargo ship by Georgia
12th round of Transcaucasia security negotiations begins in Geneva
Venezuela, Abkhazia, S Ossetia sign set of documents
The English version of Abkhazia.Travel has been launched
World should recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia - Nicaraguan president
Delegation of Abkhazia Continues State Visit to Nicaragua
President of Abkhazia, His Delegation Arrived in Capital of Nicaragua - Managua
Delegation of Abkhazia led by President Sergey Bagapsh leaves for Nicaragua, Venezuela
Bagapsh, EU SR discuss Union’s policy to Abkhazia
Abkhazia insists agreement on international guarantees of security, non-use of force signed in Geneva
President of Abkhazia to Pay Offical Visit to Nicaragua, Venezuela
Abkhazia 'Temporarily Suspends' Participation In Geneva Talks
Abkhazia pulls out of Geneva talks
New Head of ICRC Mission: We will stay in Abkhazia
Foreign Minister Maxim Gvindzhia Considers Abkhazia's Position at Geneva Talks Constructive
Lavrov: Russia’s S.Ossetia, Abkhaz Decision Irreversible
Geneva talks on Caucasus end in deadlock
Italian Senate Venue for 10th UNPO General Assembly
Abkhazia accuses Georgia of firing on customs car
Moscow, Sukhum may launch direct air traffic in early July
Co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions on Security in Transcaucasia Held Consultations with Abkhaz Party
Ukraine government may move to recognize Abkhazia, South Ossetia
Another Senior Turkish Diplomat Visits Abkhazia
Foreign Ministers of Abkhazia, Nicaragua Support Mutually Benefical Cooperation Between Countries
President of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh received PACE Delegation
Abkhazia expects recognition of independence by Bolivia and Ecuador
Abkhazia not satisfied with Geneva discussions results
Abkhazia believes Ukraine to acknowledge its independence
MFA of Abkhazia: The USA use double standards policy, ignore historic facts and justify Georgia’s aggressive policy
Abkhaz Independence Leader Dies, by Anaid Gogoryan
Former UN Mediator, EU Special Representative Visit Abkhazia
Potsdam University professor Dieter Boden in Abkhazia on AGU Invitation
Vladislav Ardzinba buried in his hometown
Condolences on the death of Vladislav Ardzinba
Coffin with the first President of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba's Body Delivered to Abkhazia
The Abkhaz-Abazin Diaspora of Western European countries expresses deep condolences to the people of Abkhazia
Vladislav Ardzinba, First Abkhazia President Passes Away - UNPO
'Condolences on the death of Vladislav Ardzinba, First President of Abkhazia' - Zaira and George Hewitt (UK)
The first president of the Republic of Abkhazia, Vladislav Ardzinba has passed away.
A new website: Abkhazia.Travel



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